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Tutoring implementation in the Psychology bachelor degree program, based on e-learning

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 October 2019 in Apertura

Authors: Maribel Castillo Díaz | María Luisa Zorrilla Abascal | Jessica Adanary Acosta Uscanga

Research competences with ICT in PhD students

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2019 in Apertura

Teaching training in ICT and digital competences in Higher Education System

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2017 in Apertura

Authors: Beatriz Zempoalteca Durán | Jorge Francisco Barragán López | Juan González Martínez | Teresa Guzmán Flores

Availability and technological knowledge of university mathematics teachers in the time of covid-19

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 22 March 2022 in Apertura

Authors: Laura Lillian Acuña Michel | Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México | Omar Cuevas Salazar | Joel Angulo Armenta | Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México

JOURNAL ISSUE published 26 March 2021 in Apertura

The social service in education programs online

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2017 in Apertura

Authors: Arturo Amaya Amaya | Concepción Ramos Martínez | Leonardo Castillo González

Possibilities of Facebook in university teaching from a case study

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 October 2017 in Apertura

Authors: María Cristina López de la Madrid | Katiuzka Flores Guerrero | Adolfo Espinoza de los Monteros Cárdenas | Diana Rojo Morales

JOURNAL ISSUE published 1 October 2016 in Apertura

Evaluation of self-regulated learning in university students. Analysis from online education

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 September 2022 in Apertura

Authors: Katiuzka Flores Guerrero | Universidad de Guadalajara | María Cristina López de la Madrid | Universidad de Guadalajara

Emergency remote teaching during the covid-19 pandemic: Experiences among Mexican university students

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 September 2023 in Apertura

Authors: Alejandrina Bautista Jacobo | Universidad de Sonora | María Olga Quintana Zavala | Daniel González Lomelí

Empower teachers in their academic work through International Certifications in Digital Competencies

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2018 in Apertura

Authors: Arturo Amaya Amaya | Emilio Zúñiga Mireles | Miguel Salazar Blanco | Alfonso Ávila Ramírez

Kahoot!, Plickers And Socrative: ICT resources to assess musical content in Primary Education

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 March 2022 in Apertura

Authors: Narciso José López García | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Teachers trainner’s uses and attitudes before ICT. Between the advisible and the reality of classrooms

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 April 2018 in Apertura

Authors: Siria Padilla Partida

Basic digital skills to guarantee the academic continuity caused by Covid-19

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 26 March 2021 in Apertura

Authors: Carlos Enrique George Reyes | Tecnológico de Monterrey, México

Didactic use of immersive virtual reality with NUI focused on the inspection of wind turbines

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 October 2017 in Apertura

Authors: Daniel Cantón Enríquez | J. Jesús Arellano Pimente | Miguel Ángel Hernández López | Omar Santiago Nieva García

Perception of students regarding the use of ICT and learning English

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 October 2018 in Apertura

Authors: María del Rocío Carranza Alcántar | Claudia Islas Torres | Mónica Lizbeth Maciel Gómez

JOURNAL ISSUE published 1 April 2018 in Apertura

School society and pandemic in Mexico; online education: from temporary to permanent shelter

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 30 September 2021 in Apertura

Authors: Gustavo Antonio Segura Lazcano | Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México | Ivett Vilchis Torres | Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México


JOURNAL published

Developing research capacities for undergraduate students using instructional strategies in virtual learning environments

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 March 2020 in Apertura

Authors: Danilo Pástor Ramírez | Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador | Gloria de Lourdes Arcos Medina | Agustín Lagunes Domínguez